Malaysian Night 2016
Malaysian Night is one of the annual flagship events of our society. Over the years, our Malaysian Night has gained the reputation as being one of the best student productions among overseas student organizations, and across the United Kingdom.
Believe, the LSE Malaysia Night 2016, held on 13th of February, was a tremendous success with soldout tickets and overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Fueled with her immense passion for dance, “clumsy-feet” Alia has braved through her childhood demons with the unconditional support from her mom and her best friend, Cindy. However, in a sudden twist of fate, she loses everything she holds dear, and ultimately, faith in herself. Between the lines of fear and doubt, follow Alia’s story as she battles through hurdle after hurdle in a journey of self discovery, forbidden love and confidence. The production was delivered in the Old Theatre, to a crowd of over 450, featuring 8 original songs, all composed and written by our talented club member Crystal Koo. Our guests of honour for the night include Education Malaysia and the High Commission. We would like to express our gratitude to the collective effort of all involved, as this event would not have been made possible without all of your help.
More photos can be found here!